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Injury Protocol for EUFC Youth Players

Injury on the pitch treated by an appointed team first aider (or Sports Therapist if present)

A player with ANY suspected head injury shall be removed from the field of play immediately and not be allowed to return to play until assessed by the Sports Therapist

If severe, Emergency Services are to be called. Do not move players off the pitch. If Emergency Services called:

Parents immediately informed if not already there

The Club Sports Therapist also informed

Soft tissue injuries (strains, sprains, bruising etc.):

Contact to be made with Club Sports Therapist who will advise

Injured players to arrange an appointment with a Club Sports Therapist

Injured players will not play or train until passed fit by the Sports Therapist

Age group coaches do not have the authority over the Sports Therapist to declare a player fit to play

Players who are injured should still come to games and feel part of the team

If a player becomes injured playing for the school or district, contact is to be made with the Club Sports Therapist at the earliest convenience

No injury, however small, should be ignored or attempted to be treated without consultation with the Club Sports Therapist


Treatment and Rehabilitation

Our Medical Staff provide a high standard of care and advice for all schoolboy players. Injured players are treated and rehabilitated by our Sports Therapist with their progress monitored until the player reaches full fitness.

A medical protocol is in place for all players relating to injury, diagnosis, action and rehabilitation. It is important that players always report an injury to medical staff at the earliest opportunity.

The five guidelines when an injury happens

There are five things you can do to encourage the healing of your injury in the first 3 days. You can remember these five things by the letters PRICE

P – Protection: Protect the injured part from further aggravation and stop activities that make things worse.

R – Rest: Rest the injured part but keep it mobile so long as it is comfortable for you to do so.

I – Ice: Apply ice packs to the affected part as soon as possible. Use crushed ice or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a damp tea towel to prevent ice burn. Leave for 20 minutes and repeat every 3 hours.

C – Compression: Use a bandage or tubigrip (a tubular bandage) to strap up the injured part.

E – Elevation: Try to raise the injured part above the level of your heart when possible and remove your compression bandage.

Want to Join The Club?

We are always interested to hear from you if you would like to join the club either as a participant or a volunteer to help the smooth running day to day. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office during the week.

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